Energy management Melbourne

Reduce your household bills

What is an energy management service and how could it be of benefit?

Our energy management Melbourne service starts with an energy saving audit to determine where and how you could save money on your bill.

This means one of our qualified staff will do a walk-through of your home to see where you might be wasting energy. Sometimes a more comprehensive analysis is needed if energy saving measures are not immediately apparent. This includes sub-metering and data cataloguing.

Following the energy saving audit, you will be provided with energy saving recommendations, the cost, benefit, greenhouse savings and expected payback period.

Then, we conduct quarterly/monthly monitoring of your energy consumption to see if you can benefit from further savings.

By identifying areas of waste you can make changes, ultimately reducing your household energy bill over time. Saving energy also has a positive impace upon the environment.

Could you be saving money on your home energy bill?

Australia is in the top 10 most expensive countries to live in. Australian cities also continue to rise up the list of the most expensive cities to live in (source:

With the cost of living on the rise, saving on energy is a major way to save money! Please contact us for an energy management in Melbourne.